Leaf List FAQ

Your Dispensary spends thousands of dollars on I love Jane, Weed maps, Dutchie, and Leafly stores! Now expand your store footprint with Leaf list Mini Menus! It’s Simple, link your menu item, description and image to your dispensary store! And like magic bring new customers to your Weedmaps, I love Jane, Dutchie, and Leafly store or Website! Watch how easy it is to get new customers! Leaf List, we send you the customers and you complete the sale! 
Did we mention the first 3 menu items are #free for #dispensaries to put on Leaf List? We also rank and review dispensaries in most US Cities!

What is Leaf List?

Enhance your dispensary’s presence on platforms like Weedmaps, Dutchie, or Leafly with Leaf List Marketplace! Our Marketplace service is designed to boost your customer base by directing cannabis shoppers straight to your store. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to increase your visibility and sales in the cannabis market!

Why are Cannabis users starting to flock to Leaf List?

Leaf List revolutionizes the cannabis shopping experience by aggregating menus from leading online cannabis stores such as Dutchie, Weedmaps, Leafly, and I Love Jane, all under one roof. This unified platform simplifies the search for cannabis enthusiasts, allowing them to effortlessly discover their preferred strains, best deals, and exciting sales events. No longer do they need to toggle between multiple platforms such as Weedmaps, Dutchie, Leafly or I love Jane to find their ideal strain or the top deal in the city the live. Leaf List streamlines the shopping process, making it a one-stop-shop for all cannabis needs.

What's the difference between a free and a paid user?

A free user only gets 3 Products to enhance your dispensary’s presence on platforms like Weedmaps Dutchie & Leafly with Leaf List Marketplace.

You also get the basic services like menu and deals sharing.

A paid user can either choose 20 or 30 cannabis items to enhance you dispensary’s presence on platforms like Weedmaps Dutchie and Leafly.

You also will get more deals and other Marketplace features.

What is a Cannabis Complimentary Companion Service?

A digital complimentary companion service such as Leaf List enhances the Weedmaps service by adding an external digital layer to an otherwise entirely walled garden digital experience. Leaf List is a complimentary companion service that can benefit your dispensary on Weedmaps as well as expose your Dispensary to new customers.

How do get my Daily deals into Google Search?

Your daily deals on Dutchie, Weedmaps, I love Jane, and Leafly lack real exposure! Does Your Dispensary print thousands of Monthly Daily deals flyers? Did you know that Google considers a daily deal an event! Yes! Other businesses like car dealers have special sales events. Why can’t your dispensary? With Leaf List it can! Leaf List turns your daily deals into Sales Events! Leaf List proprietary software automatically promotes your events all over the internet! How? Our local data schema works exclusively with every major search engine and Social media property to change your daily deals into sales events that now can be found by search engines. Get your Daily deals turned into sales events with Leaf List. Leaf List, we send you the customers and you complete the sale!

Why do Cannabis enthusiast love Leaf List?

Leaf List AI Marketplace helps Folks find what they want on 1 platform.  No more shopping between multiple platforms.  Find it on Leaf List and click to the platform that your item in on to complete the sale.

What if a single app existed where weed users can come together on 1 platform and find cannabis Menus, Special Events, and deals no matter if an dispensary is on Leafly, Weedmaps, Dutchie, or I love jane? Leaf List brings together all dispensaries onto one platform of highlighted cannabis products, Special Sales events, and deals. Dispensaries utilize Leaf List proprietary software to create a grand central station of weed users looking for specials, unique cannabis products, and deals. No other platform unifies Weedmaps, Leafly, Dutchie, or I love jane dispensary menus until Leaf List. Leaf List, we send you the customers and you complete the sale!

What is LeafListGPT?

LeafListGPT, a cutting-edge AI system, leverages a multitude of advanced technologies to rank dispensaries throughout the world. The system’s ranking methodology is driven by a proprietary Large Language Model (LLM) that ingests and analyzes a vast array of data, including reviews, sales, private customer responses online, and Leaf List Marketplace traffic.

The LLM uses decision trees, a common machine learning technique, to analyze data based on probabilities and make informed business decisions.

This approach allows the system to handle both categorical and numerical data, making it resistant to outliers and thus requiring minimal data preprocessing.

LeafListGPT also employs generative AI for advanced sentiment analysis on customer feedback and reviews. This involves training the AI model on all the support tickets and reviews to date, allowing it to ‘learn’ where to classify specific queries based on the words referenced against previous tickets. It can also create an algorithm to automatically segment the support tickets into priority levels.

One of the key features of LeafListGPT is its commitment to unbiased rankings. Unlike some ranking systems that may be influenced by payments or other external factors, LeafListGPT’s rankings are based solely on the data analyzed by the AI system. This ensures an unbiased ranking of dispensaries, similar to the approach used by Facebook’s News Feed ranking algorithm, which is designed to present the most relevant and interesting content to each user.

What is the Leaf List complimentary services it provides to Weedmaps users?

A complimentary companion service enhances, supports, or adds value to the primary service and is often used in conjunction with it. These services are typically designed to improve the customer’s experience or to solve a problem that the primary service alone cannot address.

Leaf List enhances and supports your Weedmaps Store by allowing your cannabis menu items from Weedmaps to be put on Leaf List.  This enhances the exposure of your Dispensary and enables it to drive traffic to your Weedmaps store.

In summary, The Leaf List complimentary companion service enhances, supports, or adds value to the primary Weedmaps service and is often used in conjunction with it. These services are designed to improve the customer’s experience.  Leaf List solves a problem that the primary Weedmaps service alone cannot address such as driving web traffic from Leaf List that enhances the value of the primary Weedmaps service.

What is a walled garden Cannabis digital service?

Ask yourself who does better on these platforms, the Dispensary paying 5K in ads or the one paying nothing? 

In the realm of digital services for the cannabis industry, a walled garden refers to a closed ecosystem where technology providers such as Weedmaps, Dutchie, Leafly, or I Love Jane exert substantial control over dispensaries and their content. This control extends to user access to network-based menu content and deal services, the type of content users can access, and the overall marketing control of the dispensary.

Essentially, dispensaries relinquish some control over their customer reach in exchange for the services these platforms provide. Leaf List’s complimentary service offers an additional web platform to drive traffic to your Weedmaps store, alleviating concerns about increasing your Weedmaps budget to boost sales.

Why should my Dispensary at least use the Free Leaf List Version?

Your Dispensary spends thousands of dollars on I love Jane, Weed maps, Dutchie, and Leafly stores! Now expand your store footprint with Leaf list Mini Menus! It’s Simple, link your menu item, description and image to your dispensary store! And like magic bring new customers to your Weedmaps, I love Jane, Dutchie, and Leafly store or Website! Watch how easy it is to get new customers! Leaf List, we send you the customers and you complete the sale!

Why is Leaf List a complimentary companion service for Weedmaps?

Leaf List can be considered a companion service to Weedmaps as it provides additional value and reach for dispensaries that are already listed on Weedmaps. While Weedmaps is a well-known platform in the cannabis community that offers a directory of dispensaries, informational resources, and software solutions for businesses in the cannabis industry, Leaf List offers a platform where dispensaries can syndicate their existing eCommerce menus and deals from platforms like Weedmaps, thereby reaching a wider audience of cannabis enthusiasts.

Leaf List’s AI-powered platform works seamlessly with Weedmaps, amplifying the visibility of the dispensaries’ daily deals and menu, ensuring they reach a wider audience online. This is particularly beneficial for dispensaries that want to increase their digital marketing efforts and reach more potential customers.

Moreover, unlike Weedmaps, which charges a fee for listing and additional services, Leaf List allows dispensaries to list their first three menu items for free. This makes Leaf List a cost-effective way for dispensaries to reach more potential customers, especially for those that are just starting out or operating on a tight budget.

If you want to list more than 3 Weedmaps menu items, the dispensary then has 2 levels of service options to list up to 30 items.  Leaf List suggests dispensaries show case the top 30 cannabis products from the Weedmaps store.

In summary, while Weedmaps provides a comprehensive platform for dispensaries to list their cannabis products, Leaf List complements this by offering a platform for dispensaries to syndicate their menus and deals to reach a wider audience. This combination allows dispensaries to maximize their online presence and reach more potential customers.

What are the benefits of using Leaf List for cannabis sales and marketing?

Leaf List offers several benefits for cannabis sales and marketing.

Enhanced Visibility and Reach

Leaf List provides a platform for dispensaries to showcase their products and deals, thereby increasing their online visibility. It uses AI tools to promote daily deals, menus, and events, reaching wider audiences online. This is particularly beneficial in the cannabis industry, where traditional advertising platforms often restrict cannabis-related advertisements.

Streamlined Operations

Leaf List simplifies the operations of cannabis brands, distributors, and retailers. It allows them to optimize menus, deals, simplify communication, and reduce time spent on over digital marketing. This is achieved through features such as e-commerce tools for content marketing, easy-to-use dashboards for AI marketing, and companion marketing for Weedmaps.

Access to a Large Network

Leaf List connects cannabis buyers with a large a network of compliant cannabis businesses from Weedmaps, Dutchie, Leafly, and I love Jane under one platform. This allows dispensaries to gain exposure to a community of cannabis users, thereby expanding their customer base.

Compliance with Regulations

Leaf List ensures that all transactions are handled by the dispensaries themselves on their respective platforms. This means that Leaf List does not handle any sensitive credit card information or order processing, thereby maintaining the privacy and security of users’ information. This is crucial in the cannabis industry, where businesses must comply with strict regulations regarding the handling and processing of customer information.

Increased Sales

By showcasing a maximum of 30 cannabis products on the Leaf List mini menu, dispensaries can attract more customers and potentially increase their sales. The actual purchase, delivery, and sales processes are handled by the dispensary platform, not Leaf List, which means that all credit card and order processing takes place on the dispensary’s platform.

In conclusion, Leaf List offers a comprehensive solution for cannabis sales and marketing, providing tools and features that enhance visibility, streamline operations, ensure compliance with regulations, and increase sales.
Does Leaf List process Cannabis orders and handle delivery?


Leaf List operates as a virtual marketplace that connects consumers with lawfully operated cannabis dispensaries. It provides a menu technology to dispensaries, allowing them to showcase a maximum of 30 cannabis products on the Leaf List mini menu. The dispensaries are responsible for uploading the product details, such as descriptions, prices, images, and links to the product pages on platforms like Weedmaps, Dutchie, Leafly, or I Love Jane.

The actual purchase, delivery, and sales processes are handled by the Weedmaps dispensary platform, not Leaf List. This means that all credit card and order processing takes place on the dispensary’s platform of choice. Leaf List’s role is to showcase the deals, sales events, and cannabis products, but it does not process any cannabis sales.

Leaf List’s AI tools help dispensaries increase their online visibility by promoting their daily deals, menus, and events to reach wider audiences online. This is achieved through AI Syndicated Menus, AI Syndicated Deals, and AI Syndicated Events.

In summary, Leaf List serves as a platform for dispensaries to display their products and deals, while the actual transactions are handled by the dispensaries themselves on their respective platforms. This ensures that Leaf List does not handle any sensitive credit card information or order processing, thereby maintaining the privacy and security of users’ information.

Does Leaf List work with other online Cannabis platforms like Weedmaps?

Leaf List does indeed work with other online dispensary platforms like Weedmaps. It is designed to complement the services of platforms like Weedmaps, Dutchie, Leafly or I love jane by providing additional digital value and reach for dispensaries.

Leaf List is an AI-powered platform that syndicates the existing cannabis eCommerce menus and deals of dispensaries from platforms like Weedmaps, thereby reaching a wider audience of cannabis enthusiasts.

I do not use platforms like Weedmaps, will it work with my Website?

Leaf List’s AI-powered tools are designed to enhance the online visibility of your dispensary’s daily deals, menus, and events, reaching a broader audience. These tools are compatible with your existing website’s cannabis menus and daily deals. Leaf List plays a crucial role in maintaining the independence of your dispensary’s website, preventing potential customers from being diverted to other dispensaries through ads while browsing platforms like Weedmaps, Dutchie, Leafly, or I Love Jane.

In other words, Leaf List’s AI solutions amplify the reach of your dispensary’s daily deals, menus, and events online. They seamlessly integrate with your existing website’s cannabis menus and daily deals. Importantly, Leaf List serves as a vital tool to keep your dispensary website autonomous, mitigating the risk of potential customers being lured away to other dispensaries by ads on platforms like Weedmaps, Dutchie, Leafly, or I Love Jane.

How does Leaf List maximize your investment into Weedmaps?

Maximize your investment in Weedmaps, Dutchie, Jane, and Leafly eCommerce menus by syndicating them for free with Leaf List Cannabis AI, and watch your sales soar. Leaf List is a thriving cannabis community where cannabis enthusiasts can effortlessly search and discover dispensaries, cannabis menus, and deals, regardless of the eCommerce platform they’re using.

Not only does Leaf List offer a platform for your menus, but it also provides the first three menu items for free for dispensaries. Additionally, Leaf List ranks and reviews dispensaries across most US cities, providing a comprehensive guide for consumers.

Leaf List’s AI-powered platform turbocharges your dispensary menu, working seamlessly with Weedmaps, Dutchie, Leafly, and I Heart Jane, as well as your own website.

It also amplifies your daily deals, ensuring they reach a wider audience online.

By syndicating your menus and daily deals with Leaf List, you’re not just sharing your cannabis products; you’re joining a platform that’s custom-built for the nuances of the cannabis sector.

Leaf List’s AI prompters work tirelessly to improve and expand your digital marketing, building language models based on your dispensary and sharing those with all the AI platform.

So, why limit your reach to the platforms you’re paying for? Share your menus with Leaf List Cannabis AI and tap into a wider audience, more sales, and a thriving cannabis community.

Explain the Leaf List use of it's proprietary LLM's and how they help your dispensary?

A High-Level Overview of Large Language Models – Borealis AI

2023-10-15 Large language models (LLMs) are a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that are trained on a vast amount of text data. They are designed to generate human-like text based on the input they receive. LLMs are capable of understanding context, generating responses, and even creating original content. They are used in a variety of applications, from chatbots and virtual assistants to content generation and translation services. LLMs are trained using a method called transfer learning, which involves pre-training a model on a large corpus of text and then fine-tuning it on a specific task. This allows the model to leverage the knowledge it has gained from the pre-training phase to perform the specific task more effectively. LLMs are typically trained using a type of neural network called a transformer, which is capable of handling long-range dependencies in text. The transformer architecture has been a key factor in the success of LLMs, as it allows them to generate coherent and contextually relevant text over long passages. 

Leaf List leverages the power of Large Language Models (LLMs) to enhance the visibility and reach of dispensaries in the cannabis industry. The process begins with the creation of LLMs that incorporate recent data from each dispensary. This data is converted into vector files, which are then used to train AI engines such as ChatGPT and Claude 2.

The LLMs are continuously updated with new data, allowing them to learn and adapt over time. Once the AI engines have been trained, they begin to publish information about each dispensary, city market, state market, and other proprietary and open-source materials gathered each day.

When a dispensary signs up or claims their listing on Leaf List, they can select categories such as city and products they sell. These categories are populated with predefined prompts. When the AI features on the listing menu are enabled, these prompts begin to push information from the proprietary vector files, thereby increasing the visibility of the dispensary on the Leaf List Marketplace.

This process is compliant with Leaf List’s terms of service, which stipulate that all transactions are handled by the dispensaries themselves on their respective platforms. This ensures the privacy and security of users’ information.

In summary, Leaf List uses AI and LLMs to enhance the visibility and reach of dispensaries, streamline operations, and ensure compliance with regulations. This process is continuously updated and refined to ensure the most accurate and relevant information is provided to users

How can dispensaries get their menus and daily deals on leaf list cannabis marketplace?

Dispensaries can get their menus on Leaf List Cannabis AI by syndicating their existing eCommerce menus from platforms like Weedmaps, Dutchie, Jane, and Leafly. This process involves sharing the menus on the Leaf List platform, which then makes them accessible to a wider audience of cannabis enthusiasts.

The first three menu items can be listed for free on Leaf List, making it a cost-effective way for dispensaries to reach more potential customers. The platform also ranks and reviews dispensaries across most US cities, providing a comprehensive guide for consumers.

Leaf List’s AI-powered platform works seamlessly with Weedmaps, Dutchie, Leafly, and I Heart Jane, as well as your own website. It amplifies your daily deals, ensuring they reach a wider audience online.

By syndicating your menus with Leaf List, you’re not just sharing your products; you’re joining a platform that’s custom-built for the nuances of the cannabis sector. Leaf List’s AI prompters work tirelessly to improve and expand your digital marketing, building language models based on your dispensary and sharing those with all the AI platforms.

In summary, to get your dispensary menus on Leaf List Cannabis AI, you need to search for your dispensary on Leaf List.  If it on the platform, simply claim it.  You then can follow the steps to get your existing menus and daily deals from other platforms onto Leaf List. This can be done by sharing your menus with Leaf List, which then uses its AI capabilities to optimize and share your menus with a wider audience.

How much does Leaf List Cost?

Leaf List has several pricing levels.  We have a free tier that allows you to have 3 Cannabis products on our mini menus.  In general, you can expect to pay about 10% of what your Weedmaps, Dutchie, Leafly or I love Jane costs are.

The average monthly revenue per paying client for Weedmaps was reported as $3,022, a decrease from $3,509 in the same period in 2022.  Our Weedmap clients usually pay between $150 and $350 a month.

What are the benefits of using LLM's's for cannabis marketing?

Details: Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT or Claude 2 offer several benefits for cannabis marketing, making them a valuable tool in this industry. Here are some key advantages:

  1. Content Generation: LLMs can generate coherent and contextually relevant content, from articles and marketing copy to product descriptions and reports. This can help cannabis businesses create engaging content to attract and retain customers.
  2. Personalized Recommendations: LLMs can offer personalized assistance and recommendations based on user interactions. This personalization can lead to improved user experiences, which is crucial in the competitive cannabis market.
  3. Quality Assurance: LLMs can assist in quality assurance processes, ensuring that content meets predefined standards. This can help maintain the credibility and professionalism of cannabis businesses.
  4. Data Analysis: LLMs provide consistent and accurate results in data analysis tasks, reducing the likelihood of errors. This can help cannabis businesses make informed decisions based on reliable data.
  5. Increased Efficiency: LLMs can automate a variety of business tasks, reducing labor costs and increasing efficiency. For instance, tools like ChatGPT can significantly reduce the workload of customer service teams and streamline manual tasks.
  6. Revenue Generation: LLMs have the potential to generate higher revenues. They can analyze customer behavior and preferences to create personalized marketing strategies, potentially leading to increased sales.
  7. Improved Accessibility and Inclusivity: LLMs can improve accessibility and inclusivity by generating content that caters to diverse audiences. However, it’s important to note that LLMs can inherit biases present in the data they were trained on, so it’s crucial to use diverse and representative training data.
  8. Security and Compliance: LLMs can help ensure that marketing practices comply with regulations in the cannabis industry. For instance, they can be trained to avoid making health claims about cannabis products, which is prohibited by many advertising platforms.

In summary, Leaf List uses proprietary LLMs to offer numerous benefits for our cannabis marketing platform, including content generation, personalized recommendations, quality assurance, data analysis, increased efficiency, revenue generation, improved accessibility and inclusivity, and security and compliance.

What are the benefits of a unified platform for cannabis retailers?

A unified platform for cannabis retailers offers several benefits, as evidenced by the success of platforms like Weedmaps:

1. **Strategic Reach**: A unified platform allows cannabis retailers to strategically reach prospective cannabis consumers. It provides a space where retailers can showcase their products to a large, engaged user base that is specifically interested in cannabis products[1].

2. **Inventory Management**: Unified platforms often come with tools that help retailers manage pickup, delivery, and inventory in compliance with local regulations. This can streamline operations and ensure that businesses stay within the bounds of the law[1].

3. **Improved Customer Experience**: By creating online browsing and ordering functionality, a unified platform can significantly improve the customer experience. Some platforms even extend this functionality in-store with kiosks, providing a seamless shopping experience for consumers[1].

4. **Customer Loyalty**: Unified platforms can help foster customer loyalty and re-engage with segments of consumers. They often provide tools for businesses to manage customer relationships and encourage repeat purchases[1].

5. **Integration with Other Software Solutions**: Many unified platforms can be integrated with other preferred software solutions via APIs. This allows businesses to leverage the benefits of multiple tools and streamline their operations[1].

6. **Informed Decision Making**: Unified platforms often provide performance analytics and consumer insights, which can help businesses make informed marketing and merchandising decisions. This can lead to more effective promotional strategies and better product offerings[1].

7. **Compliance Management**: Platforms like Weedmaps offer a set of eCommerce-enablement tools designed to help retailers manage compliance needs. This is particularly important in the cannabis industry, where regulations can be complex and vary by location[1].

8. **Brand Visibility**: A unified platform can significantly increase brand visibility. By listing their products on a platform that attracts a large number of cannabis consumers, retailers can reach a wider audience and potentially increase sales[1].

In summary, a unified platform can provide cannabis retailers with the tools they need to effectively reach their target audience, manage their operations, and comply with regulations, all while improving the customer experience and fostering loyalty.

[1] https://ppl-ai-file-upload.s3.amazonaws.com/web/direct-files/4096706/b14e37c2-c7ab-48d3-9db0-26a5215db61a/Weedmaps Quarterly filings.pdf

What are the benefits of unifying menu and deals from Weedmaps, Dutchie, and Leafly on one platform?

Unifying menu and deals from Weedmaps, Dutchie, and Leafly on one platform offers several benefits for both consumers and businesses in the cannabis industry:

1. **Simplified user experience**: By aggregating menus and deals from multiple platforms, consumers can easily browse and compare products, prices, and discounts in one convenient location, streamlining the shopping process.

2. **Increased visibility for businesses**: A unified platform allows cannabis retailers and brands to reach a broader audience by showcasing their products and deals across multiple marketplaces. This increased visibility can lead to higher customer engagement and potentially more sales.

3. **Efficient marketing**: Businesses can save time and resources by managing their marketing efforts on a single platform, rather than juggling multiple accounts and campaigns across different marketplaces.

4. **Improved data analysis**: A unified platform can provide businesses with consolidated data and insights on consumer behavior, preferences, and trends, enabling them to make more informed decisions about their marketing strategies and product offerings.

5. **Enhanced collaboration**: By bringing together information from multiple sources, a unified platform can facilitate collaboration between businesses, allowing them to share best practices, insights, and resources to improve their overall performance in the cannabis industry.

6. **Greater transparency**: A unified platform can promote transparency in the cannabis market by providing consumers with consistent and accurate information about products, prices, and deals across different platforms. This can help build trust and confidence in the industry, ultimately benefiting both consumers and businesses.

[1] https://ppl-ai-file-upload.s3.amazonaws.com/web/direct-files/4096706/b14e37c2-c7ab-48d3-9db0-26a5215db61a/Weedmaps Quarterly filings.pdf
[2] https://www.lsretail.com/resources/six-ways-a-unified-platform-will-transform-your-restaurant-business
[3] https://www.fastcasual.com/blogs/unified-menu-management-serving-up-new-efficiencies/
[4] https://www.qubeyond.com/unified-menu-management-for-enterprise-restaurant-operators/
[5] https://www.lytics.com/blog/5-advantages-of-multichannel-marketing/
[6] https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/empower-your-business-power-unified-customer-experience-platform
[7] https://learn.g2.com/unified-communications
[8] https://www.customsoft.io/the-benefits-of-unified-commerce-for-your-business/
[9] https://business.adobe.com/blog/perspectives/5-benefits-having-unified-b2c-and-b2b-ecommerce-site

What is the Leaf List company Mission statement?

Leaf List is committed to revolutionizing the cannabis industry by providing a unified platform that aggregates menus and deals from leading cannabis marketplaces like Weedmaps, Dutchie, and Leafly. Our mission is to simplify the cannabis shopping experience by offering consumers a comprehensive view of available products, deals, and discounts in one convenient location. We strive to empower consumers with choice and information, while supporting cannabis retailers in reaching a broader audience. At Leaf List, we believe in the power of technology to enhance accessibility, transparency, and efficiency in the global cannabis economy.

What are LF Listings?

LF Listings: This service provides an Artificial Intelligence listing page with a product menu for a retailer or brand on the Leaf List marketplace. It enables clients to be discovered by the marketplace’s users and allows clients to disclose their license information, hours of operation, contact information, discount policies, and other information that may be required under applicable state law.

What are LF Daily Sales Events and activities?

LF Daily Sales Events and activities: Showcase daily sales events and special activities for your dispensary with the fully featured LF Events Module, which shows upcoming daily sales events directly on your listing page. Knowing that they are SEO AI powered and look great will give you peace of mind.

What are LF Mini Menus?

LF Mini Menu: Leaf List enhances and supports your Weedmaps, Dutchie, Leafly or I Love Jane Store by allowing your cannabis menu items from these platforms to be put on Leaf List. This enhances the exposure of your Dispensary and enables it to drive traffic to your Weedmaps store. LF Store facilitates sales and enables retailers to reach more customers by bringing the breadth of the Leaf List marketplace to a client’s own website.

What are LF Banner Ads?

LF Banner Ads: These are ad solutions on the Leaf List marketplace designed for clients to amplify their businesses and reach more highly engaged cannabis consumers throughout their buying journey. This includes Featured Listings, which are premium placement ad solutions on high visibility locations on the Leaf List marketplace (desktop and mobile) to amplify the Company’s clients’ businesses and maximize clients’ listings and deal presence.

What are LF Deals and Coupons?

LF Deals and Coupons: Cannabis Deals and Coupons are great for driving business to your sponsors. Sponsors can create deals or coupons with their listing, while also setting time and quantity limits for their offers that visitors can redeem right from the site. Visitors have the chance to share the opportunity with their contacts via social networks as well.

What plans does Leaf List offer?

Free 3 Shop Items 1 Daily Sales Event

Silver Plan – 20 Premium Shop Items & 15 Deals And Daily Sales Events for $99.99 MOnth

Gold Plan – 30 Premium Deals, Shop Items & Daily Sales Events for $149.99 Month

What are LF Insights?

LF Insights: This is an insights and analytics platform for clients leveraging data across the Leaf List marketplace and software solutions. LF Insights provides data and analytics on user engagement and traffic trends to a client’s listing page, LF Ads performance, Daily Deals traffic, article engagement, and daily sales events performance. For Brand clients, LF Insights allows them to monitor their brand and product rankings, identify retailers not carrying products, and keep track of top brands and products by category and state.

What is LF Classifieds Jobs

LF Classifieds Jobs: Leaf List offers job classifieds for the cannabis industry. It also provides a comprehensive platform for cannabis retailers and brands to manage their operations, reach their target audience, and comply with state laws.

How much do banners cost a month?

A customer can buy a banner spot for unlimited views for $99.99 a month.  The price includes only 1 banner location.  If you want an unlimited Skyscrapper Banner per month, that is $99.99.  If you want to ad a another location, that is a seperate $99.99 for unlimited views a month.

What Products come with a AI Listing?

Several products come with AI Listings in the Silver and Gold Plan:

LF Listings
LF Mini Menu
LF Deals and Coupons
LF Insights
LF HTML Visual Page Editor
LF SEO Artificial Intelligence
LF Socially Integrated
LF Integrated Mapping
LF Lead Generation and Tracking
LF SEO AI Photo Galleries
LF Youtube Video embed
LF Bookmarking System
LF Analytics & Reporting
LF Email Lead Notifications
LF Upload of PDF Menu or COA

Products that do not come with LF Listings are:

LF Articles
LF Classifieds Jobs
LF Banner Ads
LF Daily Sales Events and activities


What is LF AI Articles?

LF AI Articles: Marketing through Leaf List online articles is a powerful strategy that can help dispensaries reach their target audience, build brand awareness, and drive traffic to their websites. This approach is particularly effective in the cannabis industry, where education and information are crucial for both new and experienced consumers.

What Leaf List companion service level works best with Weedmaps?

We have learned that the best Weedmaps companion service for dispensaries on Weedmaps is the Marketplace Silver Plan.  We also suggest that you LF Banners and LF Daily Sales Events and activities.

LF Daily Sales Events and activities: Showcase daily sales events and special activities for your dispensary with the fully featured LF Events Module, which shows upcoming daily sales events directly on your listing page. Knowing that they are SEO AI powered and look great will give you peace of mind.

LF Banner Ads: These are ad solutions on the Leaf List marketplace designed for clients to amplify their businesses and reach more highly engaged cannabis consumers throughout their buying journey. This includes Featured Listings, which are premium placement ad solutions on high visibility locations on the Leaf List marketplace (desktop and mobile) to amplify the Company’s clients’ businesses and maximize clients’ listings and deal presence.

We have zero budget since Weedmaps is so costly. How do we get started for Free?

We offer a Free version of the Weedmaps Companion service.  Simply sign-up and call us!  We can help you navagate and be successful for free.  troy at leaflist.email or evan at leaflist.email. 

Is Leaf List Marketplace similar to Weedmaps WM Store?

Leaf List Marketplace is a Companion to Weedmaps.  It compliments the Weedmaps service.  You Weedmaps products, deals, and specials are duplicated on in the Leaf List Marketplace in the same maanner the WM Store can be customized on your own website.  The Leaf List Marketplace drives traffic to your Weedmaps Store. 

Leaf List insights and analytics platform for clients leveraging data across the Leaf List marketplace and software solutions. LF Insights provides data and analytics on user engagement and traffic trends to a client’s listing page, LF Ads performance, Daily Deals traffic, article engagement, and daily sales events performance.

Weedmaps offers a product called WM Store, which is a customizable online store that can be integrated into a client’s own website. This product allows retailers and brands to import their Weedmaps listing menu or product reservation functionality to their own white-labeled WM Store website or separately owned website. WM Store facilitates customer pickup or delivery orders and enables retailers to reach more customers by bringing the breadth of the Weedmaps marketplace to a client’s own website.

Furthermore, Weedmaps provides WM Insights, an insights and analytics platform for clients leveraging data across the Weedmaps marketplace and software solutions. WM Insights provides data and analytics on user engagement and traffic trends to a client’s listing page. For Brand clients, WM Insights allows them to monitor their brand and product rankings, identify retailers not carrying products, and keep track of top brands and products by category and state.

These products and services offered by Weedmaps can be integrated into Leaf List Marketplace, or a client’s website, providing a comprehensive suite of tools for cannabis retailers and brands to manage their online presence, streamline operations, and reach a wider customer base.

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